Data Recovery

Did you erase or lost your file and need it to be restored?

Did you know?

Did you know that when you delete a file from your computer it does not disappear forever, even after it is deleted from the recycle bin or if a file system is damaged? So do not worry just yet, may be yourt file is not lost forever.

Do not leave it till later!

Most of deleted files can be retrieved, but you have to act fast. The more you use your computer after you realized that you need to restore a deleted or disappeared file, the less chances you'll have to successfully restore it.

Can you afford to take chances?

The best is to take your computer to a local data recovery company. The problem is that it may cost you thousands of dollars and often you may be charged a few hundred dollars even if they do not restore any of your files. Although if your files are so important that the price does not matter, stop reading this and find a local data recovery company.

Can you restore your files on your own?

What if you lost a few documents or music files or pictures and you'd rather want to restore them, but it is not worth hundreds or thousands of dollars to you? Or if you are not sure which company to trust or if they are any good? Then these "under $50" inexpensive programs below may be just what you are looking for!

Beffore you spend any money

Before you spend any money try these two simple free things. First, check your recycle bin. You'll be amazed to know how many people forget that files are often not erased forever when they are deleted - they go to the recycle bin first. The second thing is just as simple but i see it happening very often. Sometimes files can be misplaced without your knowing it. I will not describe numerous possibilities of how your file may end up in a place you would not expect it to be, but either way, before you panic, try to search your entire hard drive for a file with a name or a portinon matching your missing file. To do that in Windows XP for example, click on Start, then Search, then All Files And Folders, then make sure you click on More Advanced Options and check all three checkboxes: Search System Folders, Search Hiddedn Files and Folders and Search Subfolders.

Lesson learned.

If you are reading this, i assume you've lost your data or some files and you do not have your recent backup, so you've learned the hard way the importance of a backup. Whether you end up restoring your files or not, even more importantly, check my backup page.

Who Can Help?

You may want to call someone local who stays current, knows all these things inside and out and may help you to avoid reinstallation of Windows or loss of your data, saving you from lots of frustration. Most of such services won’t troubleshoot it for you for free over the phone, but these guys, for example, are pretty good, friendly and can do a lot of things remotely.

Their number is 604-GET-HELP, it is 604-438-4357 and their web site is